The Gift Of Giving Is The Best Gift Of All

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Giving is the best gift of all–I work on remembering this as the holidays inch closer. We have all heard the old adage ‘it is better to give than to receive’. Unless you are a small child most of us “get” that. What the majority of us begin to understand as we get older and try to live a full life is that through the act of giving we actually receive something far more in return: satisfaction in knowing we have helped someone, something or somewhere. supports several worthwhile “partners”

I wanted to take a moment and write a very short summary about the causes I support through by giving back a portion of purchases. I want people who shop on my site to know that by spending money with me, I do give money back to worthwhile causes.  Animals, the environment and families all benefit. Right now I have three organizations that I directly support.


The STC—The Sea Turtle Conservancy. The STC is one of the oldest and most established sea turtle conservation groups.  Their stated mission is: “… to ensure the survival of sea turtles within the Caribbean, Atlantic and Pacific through research, education, training, advocacy and protection of the natural habitats upon which they depend.” They are truly a committed and amazing group that works hard on behalf of sea turtles”


The ACCSTR–The Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research is a very hard working and dedicated group established in 1986 based at the University of Florida. Their stated mission is: “seeking innovative solutions for sea turtle conservation through research and education”The work this incredible group of devoted professionals achieves, through their research, is really how we know much of what we currently do about sea turtles. They have an amazing graduate student program that work actively to answer some critical problems sea turtles face as well as educating future biologists and conservationists.

HPS Logo  HPS –Helping People Succeed is a comprehensive group of dedicated people who do so much for so many! Although their mission is summed up with a very simple statement of “Building successful families and futures one life at a time!”, this group, located in Stuart, Florida, has a reach that goes far beyond just there. They offer strength based services helping people to achieve self sufficiency and to reach their potential as productive citizens. Truly a remarkable organization!

There are other causes I also support.

One of those is the fundraising efforts to help maintain the amazing lighthouse in Hope Town, Abaco in the Bahamas.  This lighthouse is literally the last of its kind. It is still run by keepers; the light and mechanisms wound by hand each night. Its flame is of kerosene. It is from another time and era and yet it still stands and lights the sky up each night. It is truly a gem! The young school children at the Hope Town All Age School wrote a story about a little lizard named “Up” who ends up taking charge of running this lighthouse for a night. They also created ALL of the artwork that illustrates the story. The story and the art were combined through the magic and talents of a dedicated and multi-talented mom; she brought the story to life. I wrote about this book in a previous blog post.

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The book is still available at as well as some outlets in Hope Town and Stuart, Florida. The entire $20 price ALL goes to fund the upkeep and running of this special lighthouse. Anyone who loves lighthouses needs to put this one on their bucket list. There is not another one left in the world.  It is truly the last of it’s kind. And what is amazing is that it is still accessible. You are able to experience it up close and very personal. Hope Town itself is worth a visit to anyone wishing to experience the “real” Bahamas. It is a colorful, warm and friendly settlement with lots to see and do—or even doing nothing takes on a whole new meaning.

Support comes in many ways

Lastly, I think it is also important to note that my support of these groups does not just stop with monies from your purchases. I also directly support them by sponsoring events, donating artwork, jewelry or gifts when they are holding fundraising events. Donating my time is another gift.  I feel it is important for everyone to know that a portion of their purchases is not the only way I support these causes.

For me and for my family and dear friends whom I know also embrace the old adage that was the start of this blog, the satisfaction received from giving far exceeds the fleeting moments of receiving. May the reason for the season not be lost as you enjoy all the fun in the coming weeks.

And remember: The gift of giving is the best gift of all.

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